Best Remedy for Teething Baby

The event of teething is a significant milestone in your baby’s development. However, it often brings discomfort and pain for the little one. If you’re seeking ways to alleviate your baby’s teething discomfort, you’re in the right place. This article will give you useful tips and effective remedies to ease your baby’s teething anguish. Remember, every baby is unique, and what works for one might not work for another, but it’s worth exploring different approaches to see what suits your baby best.

how remedies for teething babies

Soothing Your Teething Baby


Teething is a natural process that occurs when a baby’s teeth start to erupt through the gums. This usually begins around 6 months of age, but it can vary. The typical signs of teething include irritability, drooling, swollen gums, and a tendency to bite on hard objects. Some babies may experience sleep disturbances, decreased appetite, and mild fever.


While teething can be a challenging time, simple home remedies can do wonders to provide your baby with some relief.

1. Use of Teething Toys:

 Teething toys can provide immense relief as chewing helps soothe sore gums. Choose ones made of safe, non-toxic, and chewable material. Always ensure they are hygienically cleaned.

2. Massaging the Gums:

Massaging your baby’s gums for a few minutes can offer relief. Make sure your hands are clean before you do this.

3. Cold Products:

Cold, not frozen, items like pacifiers and spoons can be soothing. The cold can numb the gums slightly and dull the discomfort.

4. Dry the drool:

Too much can lead to skin irritation. Always keep a soft cloth handy to dry their mouth and chin area.

5. Offer solid food:

If your baby is old enough, offering solid food to chew on, like a peeled and chilled cucumber or carrot, can help. It takes supervision to reduce the risk of choking.


If home remedies aren’t cutting it, consider discussing medical remedies with your pediatrician.

1. Over-the-counter teething gels and creams:

These can temporarily relieve aching gums, but use a product specifically designed for babies.

2. Painkillers suitable for babies:

Medicines like acetaminophen can reduce discomfort and are safe for babies.

3. Teething medication:

Special teething medications can relieve the symptoms, but always consult a healthcare professional before administering these to your baby.


Some products aren’t suitable during teething. It’s best to avoid teething jewelry like necklaces or bracelets, as these can pose a choking hazard. Homoeopathic teething tablets and gels aren’t advised due to potential adverse effects. Always use medicine and remedies designed specifically for babies and approved by healthcare professionals.


Teething can be as hard for parents as it is for babies. Remember to be patient and supportive. Keep your baby’s oral hygiene in check and provide a balanced diet. Use non-toxic cleaners to sanitize teething toys and objects your baby tends to put in their mouth. Maintain a calm environment to help your baby relax and sleep well, as rest can aid recovery.


Teething is a challenging time for babies and parents, but it can be manageable with the right guidance and proper remedies. While it might be distressing to see your baby uncomfortable, remember that teething is a normal part of a baby’s growth. Experiment with these remedies and see what works best for your child, and always consult your pediatrician if you have any concerns.

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